Sunday, July 10, 2011

Chinese Diplomacy - From Mao Tse-Tung and Deng Xiaoping to Ju Hintao

1949-1987 The Democratic People`s of Korea, also known as North Korea, became an ally of China. During the Korean War (1950-1953), Beijing sent several military troops into Korea to support to the Korean Communists. North Korea, a terrorist state in the 20th century, received millions of dollars in aid and trade from Mao Tse-tung.

1960 Cameroon did not have relations with the Communist regime.

1961 Upper Volta, now Burkina Faso, did not recognize Bejing.

1960-1978 During the dictatorship of Enver Hoxha, the Communist regime sent economical aid to Albania. Albania's dictator Enver Hoxha, China's only friend in Europe, was a Maoist leader in the world.

1964 France established diplomatic ties with Beijing. The French government recognized Taiwan as part of the People´s Republic of China.

1956 Haiti, an ex-French colony on the Caribbean Sea, did not recognize China as a sovereign state.

1957 Paraguay's dictator Alfredo Stroessner, South Africa's ally during the Cold War, did not recognize the People's Republic of China. This South American country recognized Taiwan as a state.

1960-1961 For ideological reasons, China broke off diplomatic relations with the USSR.

1961 Tanzania (Africa) maintained full diplomatic ties with China. Julyus Nyerere, country's President, was an admirer of the Chinese revolution. Since 1961 Beijing adopted a policy of cooperation with Tanzania.

1968 The Kingdom of Swaziland, a landlocked country on the African continent, did not have ties with the PRCH.

1970 Italy and Canada recognized the Chinese government.

1970-1979 Peru, a Spanish-speaking republic since 1821, became one of the China's Latin American partners.

1971 New York, USA. Many countries favored United Nations membership for the People´s Republic of China. The UN expelled Taiwan. Beijing is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council.

1971 Secretary of State Henry Kissinger made a secret visit to the People's Republic of China, where he held historic meetings with Chinese leaders. For the first time, Washington began talks with Chinese authorities.

1971 The Maoist regime was an ally of the Chilean government, which was the second Marxist state in Latin America.

1972 China's leader Mao Tse-tung established formal diplomatic ties with Mauritius, Cameroon, Japan, Sierra Leone and Togo.

1972 At the invitation of Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, President Richard Nixon visited Beijing.

1973 The national government had good relations with Brazil and Nigeria.

1973 The Communist regime, under the direction of Mao Tse-tung, recognized the military government of Augusto Pinochet (Chile), one of the world's six anti-Communist dictators. Chile's president Salvador Allende, a friend of Beijing, was overthrown by Pinochet. Unlike most Communist states, Beijing supported friendly relations with Augusto Pinochet.

1975-1979 The Maoist government supported the Cambodian dictatorship, one of the world's worst dictatorships.

1973-1985 For its close relations with Washington and Chile, Fidel Castro Ruz, Cuba's leader, began an international campaign against China in the Third World.

1975 This Asian country established formal diplomatic relations with the Philippines and the Kingdom of Thailand.

1975 America's President Gerald Ford traveled to Beijing and met with Communist leaders.

1976 The Central African Republic became an ally of the PRCH

1978 This year marked the end of 18 years of friendship between China and Albania. After Mao's death, China canceled aid to Albania because Enver Hoxha criticized the government of Hua Guofeng.

1978 Chile's Foreign Minister, Hernan Cubillos, traveled to Beijing. Cubillos was Chile´s first minister to visit the People's Republic of China since 1973.

1978-1979 Washington recognized the People`s Republic of China. Meanwhile, Taipei condemned the United States decision to establish diplomatic relations with Beijing.

1979 After many decades, Beijing and Washington established diplomatic ties. Subsequently China's leader Deng Xiaoping visited the United States. He was China's first leader to visit America.

1979-1980 Beijing condemned the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. For this reason, China declined to participate in the Olympic Games in Moscow (USSR).

1980-1990 Nicaragua, Beijing's only diplomatic ally in Central America, had good relations with the Chinese government.

1983 Under the leadership of Mary Eugenia Charles (Prime Minister), Dominica, a Taiwanese ally in the Americas, did not maintain diplomatic ties with the PRCH.

1984 President Ronald Reagan arrived in China for an official visit at the invitation of Premier Zhao Ziyang...

1985 In the last days of his government, Hernan Siles Zuazo, Bolivia's President, recognized the People's Republic of China. For many decades, Bolivia, a South American nation, was an ally of Taipei.

1985 Li Xiannian (President of China) visited Washington to strengthen friendship between the two states.

1986 The Chinese Olympic Committee sent athletes to the Asian Games in Seoul, South Korea.

1989 President George H.W.Bush traveled the People's Republic of China.

1989-2003 Beijing terminated diplomatic ties with Liberia.

1990 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, an oil-rich nation in the Middle East, established diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China.

1990 The Chinese government severed relations with the Kingdom of Lesotho and Guinea-Bissau.

1990 Under the democratic government of Violeta Barrios de Chamorro, Nicaragua broke off diplomatic ties with the PRCH.

1992 Bejing established full diplomatic ties with South Korea against the opposition of North Korea. Relations between South Korea and China had been strained during the Cold War. Seoul recognized Beijing as the only legal government of China.

1994 Burkina Faso broke off diplomatic relations with the PRCH.

1997 The Chinese government maintained very close ties both Saint Lucia and the Commonwealth of Bahamas (Caribbean nations).

1997 Jian Zemin , China's president, arrived in Washington to confer with Bill Clinton.

1997 South Africa did not recognize Taipei as the Republic of China. During the last decades, South Africa was a Taiwanese ally.

1998 President Bill Clinton visited China for nine days.

2002 The PRCH was the first state to recognize Timor-Leste."The Chinese government thinks that as good partners, good neighbors and good friends of Timor-Leste, we are obliged to give a helping hand", said Su Jian (Chinese ambassador).

2004 Dominica, an English-speaking Island on the Caribbean Sea, suspended relations with Taipei and recognized Beijing.

2007 China's President Hu Jintao arrived in Cameroon. He and Paul Biya, Cameroon's President, signed a joint communiqué for bilateral cooperation. Hu also visited Liberia, Sudan, Zambia, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique and Seychelles.

2008 President Bush traveled to Beijing, where he attended the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympic Games.

2009 China's leader Hu Jintao embarked on a tour of Africa- Mali, Senegal - a former ally of Taipei-, Tanzania, and Mauritius, one of the best democracies in the Third World.

2008 Malawi recognized the Chinese government as the only official government of China. This African nation has become the 170th state to have diplomatic ties with Beijing.




Chae-Jin Lee China and Korea: Dynamic relations, Hoover Institution Press, 1996


Guevara Onofre, Alejandro. Enciclopedia Mundototal, 1999


Hakjoon Kim "The Establishment of South Korean-Chinese Diplomatic Relations: A South Korean Perspective", Journal of Northeast Asian Studies, 1994


Joshua Goldstein and John R. Freeman. "US-Soviet-Chinese Relations: Routine, Reciprocity, or National Expectations", American Political Science Review, March 1991


Mann, James. About Face: A History of America's Curious Relationship with China: From Nixon to Clinton, Alfredo A. Knopf, 1999


Mora, Frank. "The People's Republic of China and Latin America: From Indifference to Engagement", Asian affairs: An American Review, 1997


Ross, Robert S. Negotiating Cooperation: the United States and China, 1969-1989, Hoover Institution Press, 1995

Alejandro Guevara Onofre: He is a freelance writer. Alejandro is of Italian, African and Peruvian ancestry. He has published more than seventy-five research paper in English, and more than twenty in Spanish, concerning the world issues, olympic sports, countries, and tourism. His next essay is called "The Dictator and Alicia Alonso". He is an expert on foreign affairs. Alejandro is the first author who has published a world-book encyclopedia in Latin America.

He admires Frida Kahlo (Mexican painter), Jose Gamarra (former president of the Bolivian Olympic Committee ,1970- 1982), Hillary Clinton (ex-First Lady of the USA), and Jimmy Carter (former President of the USA). Alejandro said: "The person who I admire the most is Jose Gamarra . He devoted his professional and personal life to sport. Jose played an important role in the promotion of Olympism in Bolivia -it is one of the Third World`s poorest countries- and Latin America. His biography is interesting". The sportspeople he most admire is Olympic volleyball player Flo Hyman. "This African-American sportswoman is my idol... "

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